Nils-Udo talks about the work created for the OVO cover: “My first contact with Peter Gabriel was a phone call from him asking me if I would be interested in creating a cover for a new project that was in conception. He was aware of my work and invited me to the Real World Studios in Box in England to discuss the project. The meeting went very well and it was arranged for me to return to Box to carry out the installation.
I created the nest on the pond at Real World. It was supported by tree trunks, so was a very heavy structure. The figure in the nest was the child of a Real World employee, and we were very conscious for his safety, employing two minders to make sure nothing went wrong. (The child, Josh, is the son of Susie Millns at Real World’s Art department). I took the photograph of the nest from the little bridge.
I was very pleased with this installation, but of course it couldn’t stay in place on the pond, so was moved to Peter’s garden nearby. Unfortunately the gardener was unsure of what to do with it, so set it on fire. I was not too upset by this as much of my work is transient and the record is the photograph I take”.